- November 11, 2009Parody targeted against a particular person or organization as a branch of political speech deserves the highest level of legal…
- November 10, 2009While it is true that “Panelists with WIPO and NAF have sometimes approached the issue of proof of trademark ‘rights’…
- November 9, 2009It is not necessary for a string of syllables to make sense to obtain a trademark registration. Indeed, the least…
- November 6, 2009The two letter combination “hz” is not by itself confusingly similar to “Hertz” (the automobile rental company) despite the aural…
- November 5, 2009Timing and Circumstances of Acquisition Having an incontestable trademark composed of generic or descriptive elements opens the door to a…
- November 4, 2009Receiving notice after a website has become operational supports a defense under paragraph 4(c)(i) of the Policy. There is no…
- November 3, 2009The three issues discussed below have in common factual circumstances that preclude resolution under the Policy. Either the complainant has…
- November 2, 2009Hijackers have something in common with pickpockets Their modus operandi is stealth. Their victims no more realize their pockets have…